A Strange New World: The Art of Ólafur Eliasson
Fig. 1, Olafur Eliasson, The Weather Project, 2003. Turbine Hall at the Tate Modern (London). (Image Source: David Firn, Flickr Commons)...
The Dark Spectrum II : Bands of Color
This is a sequel to my previous post, “The Dark Spectrum I: Goethe and the Imaginative Interrogation of Color,” . In that post, I...
The Dark Spectrum I: Goethe and the imaginative interrogation of color
Though often dismissed as misguided and ill-informed, in terms of its scientific understanding of the physics of light, Johann Wolfgang von
Do You Dream In Color?
The question “Do you dream in color?” is one that most of us have probably been asked, or have considered at some point. If so, what...
The Good, the Bad & the Ugly
Can colors be considered good, or bad or ugly? Maybe not in any absolute sense, but there are instances within which we might assign such...
Stop & See the Roses
In the arts, a distinction is often made between looking and seeing. Looking is referred to as a passive act where we simply glance at...
Men In Black: Chromophobia in Western Culture
Color is a code, a sign, a message –we use it to communicate and in turn it has the power to shape how we think and feel. For the last...